
cotton mill 紗廠。

cotton oil

Viewing the great profit of cotton yarn and the increasing demands , then - famed wu kunsheng , lu xunfu , and their good friends , the brothers rong zongjing and rong desheng , wan yaochen and wang yuqing , pu wenwei and pu wending , known as six brothers from three families , joint hands to march into cotton yarn industry and founded shenxin cotton mill 當時赫赫有名的吳昆生、陸巽甫、和他們的鐵哥兒們,就是號稱三姓六兄弟,即榮宗敬、榮德生兄弟,王堯臣、王禹卿兄弟,浦文渭、浦文汀兄弟,見棉紗的利潤也很大,而且社會需求量日見增長,于是合伙向棉紗行業大舉進軍,創辦了申新紗廠。

Then all manufactories of spinning frames and cotton mills try to shorten the gauge between front and middle rollers and make the center distance reduce to 42 - 43mm , but the distances are still so longer , thin and thick slubs when spinning purified cotton are distinctly more than that nitto model drafting , which have been hindering the cotton mills to improve the quality of cotton spinning all along 因此各細紗機制造廠和棉紡廠都在想方設法把前、中羅拉隔距縮小,中心距縮小至42 43毫米,但還是偏大,紡純棉時細節、粗節明顯比原先的日東式牽伸多,一直困擾著棉紡廠提高棉紡質量。

This paper introduces the significance of decreasing yarn hairness and the shape classification of yarn hairness . it analyses the formation cause of hairness , and discusses the measure of decreasing yarn hairness for reference to cotton mills 介紹了減少紗線毛羽的意義及毛羽的形態分類,簡要分析了毛羽形成的原因,探討了減少紗線毛羽的措施,旨在為紡織廠減少紗線毛羽提供參考

Of series product type , cloth inspecting machine model ga801 is suitable to be used in the finishing room of cotton mills for inspecting and mending fabric defects , upon which the grade of fabric being defined Ga801型驗布機是系列產品,適用于棉紡織廠整理車間,用于檢驗及修理織物上的疵點,并依此判定織物的等級。

The article introduces the calculation equation of how the gauge sets up and calculates the roller center distance which is of guiding signification to cotton mills and cradle manufacturers 文章介紹了搖架上羅拉隔距規設定隔距的計算公式的推導過程,對棉紡廠、搖架制造廠具有指導意義。

Between 1805 and 1815 , 94 new cotton mills were built in new england , and the mounting competition led almy and brown to push their markets south and west 1805至1815年間,在新英格蘭成立了94家棉紡織廠,而加劇的競爭促使阿爾米和布朗把他們的市場向南部和西部推進。

A number of small cotton mills soon followed , but most of them failed by the turn of the century because their promoters did not aim to a wide market 一些小型棉紡廠很快便如法炮制,但大多數在十九世紀末二十世紀初都以失敗告終,這是因為其創辦者沒有著眼于大市場。

At the same time the large demands of cotton mills including henan province and the whole country , greatly improved the development of cotton planting 而這一時期,河南乃至全國棉紡織業的需求對河南棉花種植有著很大促進作用。

The idea grew , and now some 40 , 000 people come each year to the festivities , which are held in a converted cotton mill 這個主意逐漸發展成熟,現今每年已有40000人來參加節日,所有的節日活動都在一個改裝過的紡織工場里舉行。

B : of course you do . we can arrange for you to visit our ever bright cotton mill this afternoon . it is a sino - korean 當然可以。我么可以安排讓你今天下午參觀永明棉紡廠,這是一家有600名工人的中韓合資企業。

Of course you do . we can arrange for you to visit our ever bright cotton mill this afternoon . it is a sino - korean 當然可以。我么可以安排讓你今天下午參觀永明棉紡廠,這是一家有600名工人的中韓合資企業。

However , japanese cotton mills bought cotton wantonly which made it shortage in cotton market 日本棉商對河南原棉的掠買則是造成本地原棉緊張的原因之一。

In the first half of the 19th century , the city thrived with the cotton milling industry 格林威爾縣,曾經是切諾基印第安人的要塞,在

Brief introduction on cotton mill building design of single - storey light - steel structure 淺談單層輕鋼結構用于棉紡織工業廠房的設計

He wrote a meritorious theme about his visit to the cotton mill 他寫了一篇關于參觀棉紡織廠的有價值的論文。

Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill 棉布是由棉紡廠生產的。

Development of equipment management system for cotton mill 棉紡織企業設備管理系統的開發

He was the son of a proprietor of well-known cotton mills in massachusetts--a gentleman who had accumulated a considerable fortune in the exercise of this industry . 他是馬薩諸塞州幾家著名棉紡織廠的老板的兒子,這位先生靠經營這項企業發了大財。